Friday, January 15, 2010


The byline says it all: Unbelievable! I'm absolutely amazed at the outpouring of support I'm receiving from the local community for the Trivia Night & Art Auction I'm holding tomorrow night. A week ago I was really worried as I had only 3-teams signed up and just Pina's paintings for the auction. Today I'm scrambling to keep up with all the auction items and wondering how to put them all into 'lots' to limit the total number of items to 25!! I've a full house of 18-teams of 6-players each and may have to turn people away at the door. Its amazing! What great people and fantastic businesses we have in this community. I'm proud to live here! I think we're going to have a fantastic evening tomorrow night!

Sadly, though, because of the devastating earthquake that struck Haiti, we'll be redirecting all of the funds that I'm raising in Climb for CARE 2010 that were originally to go to the CARE Springboard Project in Ethiopia, instead will go to CARE's efforts in Port-au-Prince. While the need in Bahir Dar, Ethiopia is great, it is felt that lives can be saved in Haiti.

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