Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Safari huanza!

Its time. I start my journey in a few hours. I finished packing yesterday. What a job that was! My goal was to put all of my hiking gear into my carry on. i.e. my backpack. That proved to be pretty much impossible so I had to weed through things and include only absolute essentials, with the rest in my suitcase. The reasoning for this packing strategy is that it is a common occurrence that checked baggage doesn't make to the hotel for the Kili climb start time. The result is that I would still have enough to complete the climb, its just that my socks will start to get very ripe!

I had a lovely chat yesterday with Andrea Seymour and it appears that all is in hand regarding communications back to 'base', that being the CARE office in Ottawa. The idea is that one of us each day will leave a voice message and it will be posted on the web site. We should also be able to text short messages back and receive text messages. I hope there is a way to send a daily photograph. I know that the Welsh Women Walking group are able to do so with similar equipment. We'll have to wait and see. I guess its bugging me because I like to have things tested and ready before I go.

I had thought that Kevin was already in Africa but the Haiti conference in Montreal this past Monday kept him from going early as planned. Instead he'll stay longer after our climb to complete his chores for CARE. I'm assuming that he will now be travelling together with Jo Ann and me, and later Martin.

And we're off!

By the way, safari huanza is swahili for: The Journey Begins!

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