Tuesday, January 26, 2010


I can't sleep. This isn't good. I recall Marc Tassie mentioning to me that he was pretty much exhausted just before his Kilimanjaro attempt back in 2005 and he attributed that as one of the primary causes to his failing to adjust to the altitude. The photos of Marc during the briefing by Tusker Trail (the guide company) show him to be very tired indeed. So now I'm in this viscous circle of finding myself laying awake thinking about how important it is for me to be asleep!!! Arggg!
Stephen & Amélie left a few days ago - as I should have! I'm angry with myself that after having given Stephen the advice to leave a couple of days earlier to allow his body to adjust to the time difference, I didn't follow that same advice!! Arggg again! Kevin is also already in Africa as he had CARE business to attend to prior to the climb. Ramona is in the UK and will have but a couple of hours to adjust. Martin, Jo Ann and I will travel - and suffer - together! At least I shan't be alone! Actually, I'm pretty happy that we'll be travelling together. It just makes things a little more convenient when someone can watch over your things whilst changing planes in a foreign land. We'll have a head start on the melding of our group dynamic!
It's pretty amazing to think that I'll be in Africa in just a couple of days! I've been following a group of Welsh Women who started the climb a couple of days ago and this is just adding to my excitement.
And I wonder why I can't sleep . . .

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