Friday, December 4, 2009

Waiting . . .

I've had a couple of sleepless nights waiting to hear back from Tusker. Apparently, there were two boxes on my medical questionnaire that were of concern to them. One was that I have diabetes. It seems that they don't allow people with diabetes on the mountain. However, I explained to them that it is Type II diabetes, controlled with pills & exercise (not insulin) and that since I've been hiking extensively to train for the Kilimanjaro mission, my blood sugar levels have been dropping! The second was the box "Have you ever had a lung disease?" Well, yes. I had Sarcoidosis. Back in the mid 1980's. Primarily for this reason, a week and half ago I went to see Gerry (my physician) to ensure that all was in the clear. He not only did a chest X-ray for the Sarcoid, but also extensive blood tests and an EKG!! Only my blood sugars were high. (Obviously, being diabetic, this was expected.) The good people at Tusker have never heard of Sarcoidosis so they asked permission to call my doctor. Of course, I encouraged them to do so. And so I wait . . .

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