Thursday, December 17, 2009

Fundraiser Planning

We had a fantastic hike in the snow this past Sunday. I decided to load myself down with a heavy pack - complete with snowshoes strapped to the back! In spite of the fair amount of snow already on the ground and the additional 9 - 12 inches that fell during the day, I never did put the snowshoes on. As it was so cold we shortened the lunch break and even though the footing wasn't the best, we still managed to do the Wolf Trail in record time. I did arrive home soaking wet, though! A lot of sweating took place.

This afternoon I had a pleasant visit from Connie Johnston. She is a fascinating wealth of information when it comes to organising a Trivia Night! Connie has been doing this for a while now and has become quite an expert. Ideas kept flying from her and it was all I could do to get them all down on paper! I'm going to summarise my notes and verify with Connie that I've not missed anything and then, next week I'll start my rounds looking for donations from local businesses. It looks to me that the fundraiser on January 16th is going to be a smash hit! Whoo-hoo!

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